Le rôle des suppositions dans la physique cartésienne

The role of suppositions in Cartesian Physics


  • Pierre Guenancia


The present exhibition concerns mainly Descartes’s work published in Latin in 1644 (in French in 1647), the Principles of Philosophy, but in many ways it touches on questions discussed in the Discourse on Method and Essays, which are the subject of our colloquium. The aim of this exhibition is to show that Descartes’s Physics is far from being a purely theoretical Physics, as a well-known historian of science, Paul Mouy claims, and that the essential role that assumptions play in it (as in the case of Essays) does not allow us to say that “hypotheses are established a priori, resulting, for example, from divine immutability.”4 We will try to show that the use of assumptions in Physics is linked to the question of the application of Physics or mechanics to experience, therefore, to the question of technique, so important to the 6th part of the Discourse



How to Cite

Guenancia, P. . (2020). Le rôle des suppositions dans la physique cartésienne: The role of suppositions in Cartesian Physics. Modernos & Contemporâneos - International Journal of Philosophy [issn 2595-1211], 3(7). Retrieved from https://ojs.ifch.unicamp.br/index.php/modernoscontemporaneos/article/view/4067