La correspondance Clerselier-Fermat à la lumière des polémiques sur la Dioptrique

Clerselier-Fermat correspondence in the light of controversies over the Diopter


  • Siegrid Agostini


Following the publication of the Dioptrique (1637), René Descartes had to face a series of controversies, among which the controversy with the mathematician Pierre de Fermat. In 1667, Claude Clerselier, who was about to publish the third volume of Descartes’ Correspondence, which should have contained the mathematical letters, addressed Fermat in order to obtain some explanations on his old quarrel with Descartes. This essay reconstructs the most imprortant events of this debate.



How to Cite

Agostini, S. . (2020). La correspondance Clerselier-Fermat à la lumière des polémiques sur la Dioptrique: Clerselier-Fermat correspondence in the light of controversies over the Diopter. Modernos & Contemporâneos - International Journal of Philosophy [issn 2595-1211], 3(7). Retrieved from