A influência de Bacon nas críticas de Vico ao cartesianismo

Bacon’s influence on Vico’s criticisms of Cartesianism


  • Vladimir Chaves dos Santos


Among the moderns, the Cartesians may have been the most hostile to the principles and tradition of rhetorical art. The Cartesian method implied the exclusion of the rhetoric of the new world of science. For Vico, the Cartesian conception of science, based on certainty and rational evidence, could not fully understand the complexity of the human world, dominated by probable and confused. Rhetorical art involves a profound knowledge of human nature, which would be neglected by one of the main currents of modern science. A source of inspiration on many subjects, Bacon’s philosophy teaches the Neapolitan philosopher how to use the topical method of rhetoric in the service of science. This transfer of models from the rhetorical art to the scope of scientific research allows Vico to elaborate a new science of the human world, whose method are topics of social and historical circumstances.



How to Cite

Chaves dos Santos, V. . (2020). A influência de Bacon nas críticas de Vico ao cartesianismo: Bacon’s influence on Vico’s criticisms of Cartesianism. Modernos & Contemporâneos - International Journal of Philosophy [issn 2595-1211], 3(7). Retrieved from https://ojs.ifch.unicamp.br/index.php/modernoscontemporaneos/article/view/4070