A sexualidade e seus destinos: Pensar o circuito pulsional a partir de uma situação antropológica fundamental

Sexuality and its destinies: Thinking the drive circuit from a fundamental anthropological situation


  • Carlos Eduardo de Moura


It is intended to make the reading of a Freud that would consider the structures of a non a-historical human drive constitution, but thought in the context of a reciprocal action between social and psychological factors. Therefore, it will be necessary to resort to a psychic apparatus that is not sustained by an atomistic drive dynamics isolated in the intrapsychic reality of individuals. It will be sought, from this, to understand the movement of drive investment as a vital process in its totality, including, consequently, elements that structure the singular (but not solipsist).psychism in the dimensions of the body (somatic and psychic organization), of the shock with reality, with the role of the Others in the constitution of the Self and with the structures of morality (scrupulosity of the moral conscience, Education): Freudian psychological theory would cover the functioning of a psychism not circumscribed to the individual, as it would encounter the condition of the effective presence of the Other, of its designations and of Culture (fundamental anthropological condition). With this, the biological (arc-reflex, pleasure-displeasure, innate configuration) will find itself inserted in the adversity of the real (chance, contingencies of the living and the object). Finally, it is aspired to think about the problematics of Education, offering both social adaptation (regulation of human relations among themselves) and a high expenditure of psychic force and an internal impoverishment by the suffocating power of cultural demands. It is in this historical context that normality and abnormality will become an etiological problem.



How to Cite

de Moura, C. E. (2020). A sexualidade e seus destinos: Pensar o circuito pulsional a partir de uma situação antropológica fundamental: Sexuality and its destinies: Thinking the drive circuit from a fundamental anthropological situation. Modernos & Contemporâneos - International Journal of Philosophy [issn 2595-1211], 3(7). Retrieved from https://ojs.ifch.unicamp.br/index.php/modernoscontemporaneos/article/view/4073