Subjetividade carnal: Nietzsche e a universalidade do mais singular

Carnal subjectivity: Nietzsche and the universality of the most singular


  • Miguel Angel de Barrenechea Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO)


I analyze the Nietzschean critique of the dualistic postures that devalued the bodily condition of man: they forgot the instincts, the affections and the passions. Dualism exalted a so-called subjective substance – soul, spirit, consciousness, etc. – which would constitute the essential aspect of man. Nietzsche, on the other hand, values the body, considering it the guiding thread for the understanding of all human issues. Following this thesis, I reflected on a singular vision of subjectivity: carnal subjectivity, in which the essential of the human being would be constituted by his vital, instinctive forces

Key-works: Nietzsche. The body. Subjectivity. Carnal subject. Instincts.

Author Biography

Miguel Angel de Barrenechea, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO)

Professor Titular da UNIRIO.



How to Cite

Angel de Barrenechea, M. . (2023). Subjetividade carnal: Nietzsche e a universalidade do mais singular: Carnal subjectivity: Nietzsche and the universality of the most singular. Modernos & Contemporâneos - International Journal of Philosophy [issn 2595-1211], 7(16), 4–17. Retrieved from