O Confucionismo, bipolaridades e a questão do campesinato: O traço fundamental da China e os elementos de coesão da modernização

Confucianism, bipolarities and the question of the peasantry: the fundamental feature of China and the cohesion elements of modernization


  • Carlos Eduardo de Assis Borges Fundação Escola de Sociologia e Política de São Paulo (FESPSP)


This article addresses the relevance of the peasantry, the modernization with Chinese characteristics and the changes in profile in rural areas; also mentions Confucianism as an ancient form of knowledge, whose impact on the social structure remains in force. When analyzing historical and contemporary issues involving bipolarities and agriculture in the international context, ongoing transformations can be seen, such as the production process, that affects the external market, and the notion of societal cohesion, which brings new internal elements. To this end, the concepts of the individual in a network are discussed, contextualizing modernity and tradition and using the classic work of sociology by Fei Xiaotong, combined with the interpretation of other authors. Finally, it points out how much rurality in China needs to be increasingly inserted into a circular system connected to urban economies.

Keywords: Confucianism. Bipolarities. Chinese Rural Society. Interrelationality. Modernization. Peasantry.

Author Biography

Carlos Eduardo de Assis Borges, Fundação Escola de Sociologia e Política de São Paulo (FESPSP)

Sociólogo. Pós-graduado em Política Internacional pela Escola de Sociologia e Política de São Paulo (FESP-SP).



How to Cite

de Assis Borges, C. E. (2024). O Confucionismo, bipolaridades e a questão do campesinato: O traço fundamental da China e os elementos de coesão da modernização: Confucianism, bipolarities and the question of the peasantry: the fundamental feature of China and the cohesion elements of modernization. Modernos & Contemporâneos - International Journal of Philosophy [issn 2595-1211], 8(18), 164–181. Retrieved from https://ojs.ifch.unicamp.br/index.php/modernoscontemporaneos/article/view/5280