L’européanisation manquée des peuples amérindiens : une fausse piste de lecture du chapitre « Des Coches » (Montaigne, Essais, III, 6)

The failed Europeanization of the Amerindian peoples : a false reading of the chapter « Of Coaches » (Montaigne, Essays, III, 6)


  • Sylvia Giocanti Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier 3


Could Montaignes’ criticisms about Conquistadores coexist with the
regret that european values had not been inculcated in the New World in more
favorable circumstances ? This paper put forward that the complete skepticism
of the Essays is inconsistent with such an interpretation, because this philosophy
involves a cosmology and an anthropology based on variety and diversity, which
focus on interaction and give a central place to mixture, in Nature as well as in
sociocultural life.

Keywords : Cannibals, World, anthropology, cosmology, perspectivism, scepticism



How to Cite

Giocanti, S. (2021). L’européanisation manquée des peuples amérindiens : une fausse piste de lecture du chapitre « Des Coches » (Montaigne, Essais, III, 6): The failed Europeanization of the Amerindian peoples : a false reading of the chapter « Of Coaches » (Montaigne, Essays, III, 6). Modernos & Contemporâneos - International Journal of Philosophy [issn 2595-1211], 4(10). Retrieved from https://ojs.ifch.unicamp.br/index.php/modernoscontemporaneos/article/view/4361