Les Essais doivent-ils quelque chose à la découverte du Nouveau Monde ? Réflexions sur le caractère amérindien de l’essai.

Do the Essays owe something to the discovery of the New World? Reflections on the Native American character of the essay.


  • Marc Foglia Académie de Besançon


The discovery of the Native Americans allowed Montaigne to distance
himself from customs that pretend to be natural. The reference to a way of life that
would be closer to nature acts as a powerful lever to make European culture appear
as such, and thus detach thought from hidden conditioning. The Cannibals appear
as another model of humanity, closer to the origin, and perfection of which man is
capable. Insofar as it aims at restoring the natural integrity of judgment, the essay
appears in part Native American.

Keywords: essay, Native Americans, customs, nature and culture

Author Biography

Marc Foglia, Académie de Besançon

Doutor em filosofia e professor adjunto na Académie de Besançon.



How to Cite

Foglia, M. (2021). Les Essais doivent-ils quelque chose à la découverte du Nouveau Monde ? Réflexions sur le caractère amérindien de l’essai.: Do the Essays owe something to the discovery of the New World? Reflections on the Native American character of the essay. Modernos & Contemporâneos - International Journal of Philosophy [issn 2595-1211], 5(11). Retrieved from https://ojs.ifch.unicamp.br/index.php/modernoscontemporaneos/article/view/4468