Nietzsche e as três perguntas mais malditas da história da filosofia
Nietzsche and the three most damned questions in the history of philosophy
This article intends to analyze the three questions proposed by Nietzsche (or by the mad man) in the aphorism 125 of The gay science in its approach to the three fundamental concepts of nihilism in its psychological state, announced by Nietzsche four years later. With this, we intend to demonstrate how the idea of “God’s death” is central to the understanding of Nietzsche’s work, with a bridge concept to the idea of “eternal return” (which, moreover, will only be pointed out here and not developed). In doing so, the centrality of the “death of God” in the 1882 book is affirmed and, at the same time, the centrality of the book in the work of Nietzsche and, in turn, of Nietzsche in the passage from modernity to postmodernity.
Keywords: death of God; nihilism; goal; unity; truth
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