A Doutrina do Mel, a condição comunicacional e a verdade: Sobre a requalificação clínica da capacidade de julgar

The Honey Doctrine, communicational condition and truth: on the clinical requalification of one’s capacity to judge


  • Evandro Vieira Ouriques Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)


The article deals with the intimate relationship between some of the fundamental tenets of Indian philosophy, of which my work is highly tributary, and what I´ve been developing over the years under the denomination of Third Structure of Truth: a non-metaphysical and non-postmodern approach to the communicational condition of human being, which involves a mental predisposition towards security and protection, in an unremitting movement of co-dependent origination and solidarity, and thus non-dual co-operation among all entities. In this context, the article argues in favour of a psychopolitical emancipation of psyches and networks of psyches and institutions, that ultimately depends on the therapeutic requalification of one’s capacity to judge. Here, I enter into a dialogue with Dilip Loundo’s approach to the Indian philosophy of the Upaniṣads, as presented in his book Reason with Honey Flavour: Essays on Indian Philosophy (Loundo, 2022). According to Loundo, while modern western philosophical reasoning is basically of an instaurative character – i.e., it aims at producing a positive discourse about Reality, of what it is or should be, that imposes on those who think likewise the mental afflictions of supposedly being born and dying anchorless – the Indian philosophical reasoning of the Upaniṣads is endowed with “honey flavour” (madhu), i.e., it’s basically of a clarifying character, instructing one on what reality is not, and coming, as a consequence, remarkable closer to pre-Socratic philosophies, especially Heraclitus’s amorous “listening” to the Truth (aletheia), the Truth as Reality; and the philosophies of the main representatives of the Kyoto School. In synthesis, the very essence of the Upaniṣads could be described as madhu-vidyā, the “honey doctrine” (Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad).

Key-words: Madhu; Communicational condition; Truth; Kyoto School; Psychopolitical Theory

Author Biography

Evandro Vieira Ouriques, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

Evandro Vieira Ouriques é diretor do Núcleo de Consciência, Teoria e Clínica Psicopolítica/ Escola de Comunicação/UFRJ, Professor Permanente do Programa de Pós-graduação em História das Ciências e das Técnicas e Epistemologia/UFRJ e Titular da Catedra Evandro Vieira Ouriques de Comunicación, Teoria Psicopolítica y Emancipación/Univeridad de La Frontera y Universidad Austral de Chile.



How to Cite

Vieira Ouriques, E. (2023). A Doutrina do Mel, a condição comunicacional e a verdade: Sobre a requalificação clínica da capacidade de julgar: The Honey Doctrine, communicational condition and truth: on the clinical requalification of one’s capacity to judge. Modernos & Contemporâneos - International Journal of Philosophy [issn 2595-1211], 6(15), 51–68. Retrieved from https://ojs.ifch.unicamp.br/index.php/modernoscontemporaneos/article/view/4836