Le Brésil de Montaigne : une destination philosophique

The Brazil of Montaigne : a philosophical destination


  • Jean-François Dupeyron Université Bordeaux Montaigne


The fame of the Amerindian chapters, particularly chapter « Des
Cannibales », seem to depend paradoxically of two strange philosophical objects –
an ignorant knowledge and a travel without displacement – because Montaigne, first
had never the extravagant idea to travel to the New World, secondly had no reliable
information on the tupinamba society. This article examines these two objects and,
by the way, raises some surprises about the artifact of the humanistic travel, about
the meaning of an ignorance which knows itself as ignorant, and about the place
of the knowledge of imagination in the emergence of the luminous philosophical
power of the perspectivist position of the author of the Essais. Thus, Montaigne’s
Brazil was a beautiful philosophical destination.

Keywords : Travel ; Imagination ; Ignorance ; Knowledges



How to Cite

Dupeyron, J.-F. (2021). Le Brésil de Montaigne : une destination philosophique: The Brazil of Montaigne : a philosophical destination. Modernos & Contemporâneos - International Journal of Philosophy [issn 2595-1211], 4(10). Retrieved from https://ojs.ifch.unicamp.br/index.php/modernoscontemporaneos/article/view/4365