Extemporaneidade, Modernidade e Iluminismo em Além do bem e do mal

Extemporaneity, Modernity and Enlightenment in Beyond Good and Evil


  • André Luís Mota Itaparica Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB)


According to Nietzsche, being untimely means to oppose Modernity. However, as contemporaneous to Modernity, he cannot help but to belong to this tradition. If Modernity can be characterized by its auto-critical attitude, then Nietzsche is at the same time anti-modern and modern, anti-Enlightenment and enlightened. In order to develop these ideas, I will analyze the following topics: (1) Beyond Good and Evil as critique of Modernity; (2) Science and objectivity; (3) History, Enlightenment and revaluation.

Keywords: Untimeliness; Modernity; Enlightenment.

Author Biography

André Luís Mota Itaparica, Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB)

Professor Associado da Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB) e membro do GEN –
Grupo de Estudos Nietzsche.



How to Cite

Luís Mota Itaparica, A. (2022). Extemporaneidade, Modernidade e Iluminismo em Além do bem e do mal: Extemporaneity, Modernity and Enlightenment in Beyond Good and Evil. Modernos & Contemporâneos - International Journal of Philosophy [issn 2595-1211], 5(12). Retrieved from https://ojs.ifch.unicamp.br/index.php/modernoscontemporaneos/article/view/4632