Integração como desintegração

A dialética negativa de Adorno como lógica do colapso do sistema


  • Cláudio Roberto Duarte USP
  • Jeferson de Almeida UEL


The essay seeks to present the constitutive moments of Adorno’s negative dialectics as a “logic of disintegration”. More than a philosophical conception, it corresponds to a determined diagnosis of a ruinous social time, a time of permanent catastrophe. Because what disintegrates in such a logic is not only the reified concepts of traditional philosophy, but a world that is torn to pieces, redetermining the conditions of experience in all fields of knowledge and praxis. While this experience becomes impoverished, it frees the negativity of the whole and raises the questioning of the social order. Emerging from the foundations of the process of production of capital, this logic of intertwined disintegrations resumes the inner workings of Hegelian and Marxist dialectical thought, subordinating it to the new circumstances of a hyper enlightened society, which radicalizes socialization through the mediation of abstract labor, entailing widespread fracture, alienation, and antagonism. In this measure, it integrates, while disintegrating, forms of life, action, and thought. In the second part of the text, its relationship with Hegel's dialectics is developed, and in the third, the question of its actuality. Such a logic thus becomes the critical description of the collapse of contemporary civilization.

Keywords: Negative dialectics, Logic of disintegration, Hegel, Marx, Adorno. 

Author Biographies

Cláudio Roberto Duarte, USP

Doutor em Teoria Literária e Literatura Comparada e Doutor em Geografia, ambos pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Professor do Ensino Básico no Instituto Sidarta.

Jeferson de Almeida, UEL

Graduando em Ciências sociais pela Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL).


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