Critical Thinking and Onto-Epistemic Subversion

Proposing a Dialogue between Butler and Quijano


  • Hiata Anderson Nascimento Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo (Ifes)
  • Guaracira Gouvêa Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO)


onto-epistemology, Butler, Quijano, coloniality, vulnerability


The paper presents some considerations about the epistemological foundations of the theoretical perspectives of Judith Butler and Aníbal Quijano, seeking points of dialogue that allow us to think about subsidies for critical thinking in times when the exhaustion of Marxism and liberal democracy is proclaimed. From a bibliographical analysis, we try to articulate the concepts of coloniality, elaborated by Quijano, and vulnerability, developed by Butler, tracing part of the path followed by both in proposing the onto-epistemic subversion of the categories of thought that precede us and that delimit the boundaries of the thinkable and the human. In spite of being authors who structure their approaches from different starting points, the text rehearses opening a conversation between them, hoping that an interaction thus constituted will contribute to the expansion of critical thinking, whose motive should be the commitment with the construction of conditions that enable the flourishing of all forms of living and existing.





Articles (Thematic Issue)