Subjectivity beyond Logic and I

Epistemological Critique in Walter Benjamin


  • Diego R. Ramos USP


Walter Benjamin, Epistemology, Logic, Subjectivity


In a small text called “Über den Kreter”, Walter Benjamin reflects on the Cretan paradox. He observes that to preserve Logic's epistemological authority, this paradox must be solved. However, he proceeds, a solution would not be possible through Logic itself. The solution could be found in metaphysics, especially considering the “I-form” necessary for the paradox. This article follows the steps of an epistemological critique of subjectivity based on Benjamin's texts. In doing so, we carry out a critique of the subject as the naturalization of a logical function. Then, we point out moments in which Benjamin critiques the prerogative of subjectivity in the knowledge process, presenting forms of knowledge that do not submit to the Logic of the "I-form".





Articles (Thematic Issue)