Objetification and Alienation in Marx and Hegel
Alienação, Estranhamento, Marx, Hegel, TrabalhoAbstract
It is a translation of a seminal paper by Chris Arthur. Its objective is to demonstrate Marx's assessment of the role of concepts such as alienation and estrangement in the Phenomenology of Spirit. In his Manuscripts of 1844, Marx complains against Hegel since the latter identifies both concepts with what Marx calls 'objectification'. Arthur endorses the interpretative claim of György Lukács' The Young Hegel, but goes further and expands the critical purpose of Lukács' claim. Finally, Arthur compares his interpretation with other scholars on the relation between Marx and Hegel, like Marcuse, Mandel, and Kojève. The central outcome of Arthur's investigation is that for Marx both alienation and estrangement are specifically historical concepts of capitalism.