
Articles submitted to the Free Section should fit the Focus and Scope of the journal. 

Articles submitted to the Thematic Section should fit the theme and the proposal of the chosen thematic call for papers and be within the deadline determined by it. Please check the active thematic calls

The article can be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English. If written in Portuguese, it should have, together with the title and the abstract in Portuguese, a title and an abstract in English. If written in Spanish or English, it should have a title and an abstract in Portuguese, in addition to those in the language in which the article was written. If you are not able to write an abstract in portuguese, please contact the editors by email.

Abtracts should have no more than 250 words.

The article should have a maximum of 5 keywords. They should be written in a paragraph just below the abstracts, according to the chosen language.

The article should be between 30,000 and 45,000 characters, excluding spaces, abstracts, keywords and bibliographical references.

The article should follow the formatting norms informed on the journal's website (body text, quotations and references).

The list of references quoted throughout the article is mandatory. The list should appear at the end of the article and follow the formatting norms for bibliographic references highlighted on the website.