
Formatting Style

- Author (year: page); or (Author year: page).

     :: Examples

          Adorno and Horkheimer (2002: 38) state that ...

          "..." (Adorno and Horkheimer 2002: 38).

          Allen (1996: passim) presents an overview of ...

          There are works (e.g., Allen 1996, McNay 2008b) that present an overview of ...

          McNay (2008a: 279) states that ...

Ellipses within quotations

- In square brackets: [...]

- Do not mark omissions at the beginning or end of a quotation

Long quotations

- Quotations longer than three or four lines should appear in block quotations

- Font size: 10

- Line spacing: 1,0

- Indent: 2cm on the left and 0,5 on the right side

* Quotations translated by the author(s)

 - Indicate the authorship of the translation after the quotation's source

     :: Examples

          "Reification is a modern phenomenon" (Lukács 1968: 164, my trans.)

          "Reification is a modern phenomenon" (Lukács 1968: 164, trans. XY) [where XY are the author's name initials]

- The same applies for existing translations which have been amended by the author(s)

     :: Example

          "Reification is a modern manifestation" (Lukács 1968: 164, trans. amended)