The * indicates fields that should be included when applicable.
Book (monograph)
AUTHOR'S LAST NAME IN CAPITALS, Initial of first name. Title of the book: Subtitle. Trans. Initial and last name of the translator*. City: Publisher, year [original date of publication*].
:: Examples
ADORNO, T. W., HORKHEIMER, M. Dialectic of Enlightenment: Philosophical Fragments. Trans. E. Jephcott. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2002 [1944].
BAUGH, B. French Hegel: From Surrealism to Postmodernism. New York: Routledge, 2003.
HORKHEIMER, M. et al. Studien über Autorität und Familie: Forschungsberichte aus dem Institut für Sozialforschung. Lüneburg: Dietrich zu Klampen, 1987 [1936].
Book chapter
AUTHOR'S LAST NAME IN CAPITALS, Initial of first name. "Title of the chapter: Subtitle". In: Initial of first name and complete last name of the editor(s) in normal case (eds.). Title of the book: Subtitle. Trans. name of the translator*. City: Publisher, year [original date of publication*], chapter's initial and final pages.
:: Examples
ARATO, A. "Georg Lukács: The Search for a Revolutionary Subject". In: D. Howard, K. Klare (eds.). The Unknown Dimension: European Marxism since Lenin. New York: Basic Books, 1972, p. 81-106.
BENHABIB, S., BONß, W., MCCOLE, J. "Max Horkheimer: Between Philosophy and Social Science". In: — (eds.). On Max Horkheimer: New Perspectives. Cambridge/MA, London: The MIT Press, 1993, p. 1-22.
Journal article
AUTHOR'S LAST NAME IN CAPITALS, Initial of first name. "Title of the article: Subtitle". Trans. Initial and last name of the translator*. Journal Name number (volume), article's initial and final pages, year [original date of publication*].
:: Examples
BUCK-MORSS, S. "Hegel and Haiti". Critical Inquiry 26 (4), p. 821-865, 2000.
POLLOCK, F. "State Capitalism". Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 9, p. 200-225, 1980 [1941].
Academic work
AUTHOR'S LAST NAME IN CAPITALS, Initial of first name. Title of the work: Subtitle. Kind of document (master's thesis, doctoral dissertation etc.). City: Institution, year.
:: Examples
ALLEN, A. Toward a Feminist Theory of Power. Doctoral thesis. Evanston: Northwestern University, 1996.
JAEGGI, R. Kritik von Lebensformen. Habilitation thesis. Frankfurt am Main: Goethe University, 2009.
Additional observations
Works by the same author(s) from the same year should be differentiated by adding a letter to the date (e.g.: 1978a, 1978b).
:: Examples
MCNAY, L. Against Recognition. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2008a.
MCNAY, L. "The Trouble with Recognition: Subjectivity, Suffering, and Agency". Sociological Theory 26 (3), p. 271-296, 2008b.
Capitalization of book and article titles: Chicago Style
Page numbers are indicated with a single "p." (p. 23-94 instead of pp. 23-94) and a space between the dot and the number (p. 23 instead of p.23)