Current Issue

Vol. 7 No. 17 (2023): Eastern Philosophies and Human Rights
					View Vol. 7 No. 17 (2023): Eastern Philosophies and Human Rights

Este número traz o Dossiê Filosofias orientais e Direitos Humanos, com textos apresentados no IX Colóquio Internacional de Filosofia Oriental da Unicamp: Direitos Humanos em perspectivas não ocidentais, que ocorreu no Auditório Zeferino Vaz do Instituto de Economia da Unicamp, nos dias 13 e 14 de novembro de 2023. Nem todas apresentações do Colóquio estão presentes neste número e alguns textos não apresentados no colóquio, mas que dialogam com o tema foram inseridos neste Dossiê.

Published: 2024-01-03



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Modernos & Contemporâneos is an online international philosophy periodical tied to the Institute of Philosophy and the Humanities of Campinas University (Unicamp) located in São Paulo, Brazil. By publishing several dossiers, articles, reports, interviews, and translations, the periodical Modernos & Contemporâneos attempts to develop research and debate around subjects and philosophers that are modern and contemporary. In interdisciplinary fashion, the periodical attempts as well to exploit thematic fields that have been privileged by philosophy up to now, by publishing several current reflections that have the goal to weave speculative ties between the subject matter and gender theory, feminist theory, intercultural approaches, African, Asian, American, and Native American philosophies, amongst others. Last but not least, we will seek to propose emergent questions of the contemporary world, approached in a philosophical way, but also interdisciplinary, causing debates within the Brazilian and foreign scientific communities.